Struggling to find
We help students find purpose and passion through 1:1 coaching and online courses. Check it out!
We Can Help!
Our built-out content is divided, but not limited to, the following five life skills. We’ve found these 5 principles are nearly impossible for students to take on by themselves, which is why our student coaching creates lasting impact.
Research has shown that setting student goals increases motivation and achievement. We teach students how to establish a clear vision, and most importantly a plan that will help them get there.
Being a confident teen has never been tougher. Negative self talk, comparing on social media, and countless hours of screen time make for a perfect storm. We teach tangible skills on how to increase confidence as a student.
The saying, "you're the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with" seems like it was made for high schoolers. We help students learn how to balance logic and emotion when making some of the toughest decisions to date.
Procrastination, lack of focus, and poor time management skills are the most common areas of growth we see in students. From using tried and tested tools, we help students become more productive than ever.
What happens when you don't have a coach for the rest of your life? At the end of the six months, our mission is to have equipped students with self awareness skills that will make them ready for the pre-adult life.
Our Services
We’re not a fan of the one-sized fits all approach. Regardless of the package below, each student receives personalized coaching depending on their needs.
-6 month commitment
-Sessions every other week
-Access to coach 24/7
-Optional monthly workshops
-Lifetime access to all courses
Weekly Sessions
-6 month commitment
-Sessions weekly
-Access to coach 24/7
-Optional monthly workshops
-Lifetime access to all courses
Online Courses
-Self-paced learning
-FREE online coaching session
-Access to coach 24/7
-Optional monthly workshops
-Lifetime access to courses
How it Works
Initial Call with Parents
The initial call is an essential part of the process in order to understand your family's pain points & your student's areas of growth. This call is only with a coach and parent(s).
Free 1 on 1 Coaching Session
This call is all about the students! They will have an idea of what it's like to be coached and to decide if they are 100% committed to a working for a brighter future.
Sign up & Get Materials!
If both the family and the coach is confident that student coaching is the best route for the students' growth, we waste no time in getting started!
What Coaching is All About
A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step. At NextGen Coaching, we believe mentorship is an essential aspect to a student’s success story. Our young coaches understand the teenage journey more than anyone, which creates the most relatable client to coach relationship.
Students live up to what others believe of them. We have a passion for pouring into young adults and showing them what they’re capable of.With access to our coaches 24/7, we are a non-stop source of encouragement and motivation! From text messages to check-in calls, we are here to serve you!